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Organizing Printed Photos ~ Part 1

Organizing printed photos can seem like a never-ending task, especially with decades of memories stored in boxes, albums, and envelopes. However, with a little time and the right mindset, you can turn this overwhelming pile of pictures into a beautifully organized collection that’s easy to access, share, and cherish. Whether you want to preserve family history, create a legacy for future generations, or declutter your home by downsizing your photo collection. Organizing your printed photos is a meaningful project that brings your memories to life. 

In this blog series, we'll walk through practical steps to categorize, sort, and store your photos in a way that makes sense for you. From choosing the best organization method to the right storage solutions, we'll cover everything you need to create a well-ordered and easily accessible photo collection. Let’s get started on preserving your precious memories today!

photos and VHS on table in a mess and some that are organized

The Importance of Organizing Printed Photos

In today's digital age, it is easy to forget the photos tucked away in shoeboxes, big bins, and old photo albums. The physical printed photos hold a special place in our hearts they capture the moments, stories, and emotions of the story of our lives. Organizing these printed photos is more than just a practical task; it is a way of preserving your history, honoring your memories, and creating a legacy for future generations.

  • Preserving Memories for Future Generations

~Printed photos are irreplaceable

~Once printed photos are damaged or lost, it's gone forever

~Prevent Deterioration

Organizing your photos helps preserve the memories for your children, grandchildren, their children, and so on. By setting aside time to sort, protect, and store your printed photos properly, you are safeguarding your family's history and giving future generations a tangible connection to their past. As we get closer into the digital world of photos printed photos are getting forgotten about and more reason to start with your printed photos getting digitized and labeled, so the future generation knows their family history.

  • Declutter Your Space

~ Old photos can take up space (Note: get digitized)

~ Eliminates duplicates

~ Free up space in your home

Create Some Meaningful Photo Projects

Once your photos are organized, the possibilities for creating meaningful projects are endless. You can design photo books, create wall art, or craft personalized gifts for loved ones. Organized photos also make it easier to start genealogy projects, documenting your family tree with visual records that bring your ancestry to life and also share with family members living in different states or even other countries. When your printed photos are in order and digitized, the projects become more manageable and enjoyable.

Reduce the Risk of Damage

Photos stored in attics, basements, or other less-than-ideal conditions are at risk of damage from humidity, temperature fluctuations, and pests. Organizing your photos allows you to identify these risks and take steps to protect your collection. By transferring your printed photos, to acid-free boxes using protective sleeves, and storing them in a climate-controlled environment, you can significantly reduce the risk of damage and ensure your printed photos last for generations.

picture of damaged photos

Reflect on Your Life's Journey

Taking the time to organize your printed photos offers a chance to reflect on your life’s journey. As you sort through your printed photos, you will relive milestones, accomplishments, and treasured memories that have shaped your story. This process will deepen your appreciation for the past and help you organize a collection that tells the story you want to share with family and friends.

Organizing your printed photos is a rewarding task, that offers practical and emotional benefits. It's about more than just decluttering, it's about preserving your past family generations, making your memories more accessible, and creating space for new ones. Whether you're starting small with a single box of photos or tackling an entire collection, the effort you put into organizing your printed photos will pay off in many ways. Take the first step today, and begin by transforming your printed photo mess into great memories that will be cherished for years to come.

September is "Save Your Photos Month"!

Discover DIY tips from The Photo Managers to preserve and organize your cherished memories. Need a little extra help? Message me, and let’s get started on preserving your photos today!

Common Challenges in Organizing Printed Photos and How to Overcome Them

Organizing printed photos can be a never-ending task, especially if you've accumulated boxes and albums over the years. It's easy to feel overwhelmed, unsure of where to start, or even hesitant to dive into the project. However, understanding the common challenges people face in organizing their printed photos can help you prepare for the process and find solutions that work for you. Here are some of the most common hurdles and tips on overcoming them.

A lot of pictures on the counter
Confused person at computer with photos

Overwhelmed ~ Massive Volume

The Challenge:

One of the biggest obstacles is simply the massive volume of printed photos. Many people have years of photo prints stored in boxes, albums, and envelopes from department stores. The thought of sorting through hundreds or even thousands of photos can be overwhelming, leading to procrastination or avoidance.

The Solution:

Start small and break the project into manageable chunks. Rather than trying to tackle everything at once, set aside short, focused sessions where you sort through one box or album at a time. Set up an area where you can keep your photo project in the same spot without moving it each time, to make it easy to go back to. Make little notes of where you left off. Celebrate each small victory, and gradually, you'll make significant progress.

Massive volume of printed photos on the table
Massive photo albums on a table
small batch of photos on a table
Pictures on a table with notes and small photo box

Difficulty in Deciding What to Keep

The Challenge:

Deciding which photos to keep and which to discard can be emotionally challenging. Every photo holds a memory, and it can be hard to let go, even if the image is blurry, unnecessary, or not meaningful.

The Solution:

Start by deciding which photos hold the most value to you. Prioritize quality and emotional significance—keep the photos that are clear, well-composed, and represent important moments or feelings. If a photo does not stir a strong memory or sentiment, it is okay to let it go. The goal is to create a meaningful collection, not to keep every single printed photo.

not meaningful photos on a table
Tossing photos in a trash can
Two women sitting at a table with printed pictures and laptop

Sorting and Catergorizing Photos

The Challenge:

Figuring out how to sort and categorize photos is another common challenge. Should you organize them chronologically, by event, by person, or by some other method? Without a clear plan, it's easy to get stuck.

The Solution:

Choose a system that makes the most sense to you and your needs. Chronological order is a popular choice, but you might prefer to organize it by events, themes, or family members. Whatever system you choose, be consistent, and do not be afraid to adjust as you go along if you find a better way.

Graphic picture of a goal

What is your long term GOAL for your photo collection?

Collect and Inventory all your photos!

Sort into categories that makes sense to you.

Scan your photos & Share with family and friends!

Finding the Time to Organize

The Challenge:

With busy schedules, finding time to dedicate to photo organizing can be difficult. This leads to the project being postponed indefinitely.

The Solution:

Schedule dedicated time in your calendar for organizing your photos, just as you would for any important task. Even if it's just 15-30 minutes a week, consistency is key. Alternatively, consider enlisting the help of a professional photo organizer who can take on the bulk of the work for you.

picture of organizing you photos

Finding time to organize printed photos can feel challenging with our busy schedules. But it is possible! Set small goals and tackle your photos in manageable batches to reach your final goal. I’m working on this myself, balancing it with time for God, my spouse, household tasks, and spending moments with family and friends. I’ve been reading Redeeming Your Time by Jordan Raynor. Though it’s not about photos, it offers valuable insights into managing time biblically. I’m not sponsored, but I enjoyed his devotional and wanted to invest my time in reading his book. Just a suggestion if you love to read!

Protecting and Preserving Photos

The Challange:

Printed photos are susceptible to damage from light, humidity, and improper storage conditions. Organizing them without ensuring their preservation can lead to further deterioration over time.

The Solution:

Invest in proper archival storage materials such as acid-free boxes, sleeves, and albums. Store your photos in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. As you organize, consider digitizing your photos as a backup, ensuring that even if the originals are damaged, you have digital copies that can be reserved and shared.

A photograph of a damaged photo

This photo was damaged from light, humidity, and improper storage conditions

A lady at the computer

A client that started preserving her family photos to pass down to her children

two photo storage boxes

Invest in Acid-free photo storage boxes

Emotional Attachment

The Challenge:

Organizing photos can be an emotionally intense process. You might come across photos that bring up strong memories- that make you feel, happy, and sad, do not forget those funny photos. - making it difficult to stay focused on the task at hand.

The Solution:

Acknowledge your emotions and allow yourself to take breaks if needed. It is okay to step away if needed to where it is so emotional for you to look at a photo that has such a heartfelt memory and just come back to it later. Consider sharing the experience with a friend or family member who can provide support and help you stay on track.

older women looking at a photograph

Take brakes when needed so you are able to stay on track for the reason why you started.

Different Methods for Sorting and Categorizing Photos

Sorting and Categorizing Printed Photos

Sorting and categorizing your photos not only helps you declutter your printed photos it will also make it easier to relive and share your precious memories. In the rest of this blog post, we'll explore different methods for sorting and categorizing printed photos, along with some practical tips on handling and organizing them.

Photos in a lady's hand
A lady looking through photos to sort
A lady sorting photos

Chronological Order


Arrange photos by date, starting with the oldest working your way to the most recent. This method is great for telling a continuous story of your life or specific events.

Best For:

Family albums, documenting the growth of children, or organizing travel photos from different trips.

Event-Based Organization


Group photos by significant events or milestones such as birthdays, weddings, holidays, or vacations. Each event can have its own section or album.

Best For:

Capturing special occasions and keeping them separate from everyday snapshots.

Thematic Organization


Categorize photos by themes, such as holidays, family gatherings, pets, or nature. This method allows for creative grouping and easy access when you want to revisit specific memories.

Best For:

Hobbyists, nature enthusiasts, or those with a large variety of photos.

People-Centric Sorting


Sort photos by the people featured in them. You can create separate collections for each family member, friend, or group.

Best For:

Creating personalized albums for each individual or preserving memories of loved ones.

A Combination Approach


Use a mix of the above methods depending on your needs. For example, you might sort photos chronologically within each event or theme.

Best For:

Larger collections where a single method does not work.

Tips for Handling and Sorting Photos

  1. Create a Dedicated Workspace- Have a clean space, and free from dust, food, and drink to avoid damaging your photographs. This space needs to be an area where you can comfortably spread out, leave notes, and where you are able to leave it and come back to continue working on your photos. I use a small foldable table that you can put away when not in use.
  2. Start Small- To avoid getting overwhelmed and tackling the bulk of your photo project, start with a small box at a time and work through it gradually.
  3. Handle Photos with Care- Handle your photos on the edges to avoid fingertips, smudges, or any other damage. To help with this you can wear cotton gloves, nylon gloves, or nylon fingertips.
  4. Use Sorting Tools- You can use sticky notes, index cards, or labels with envelopes to temporarily categorize the photos you are sorting. This will help keep all your photos organized and make it easier to move them to permanent storage.
  5. Eliminate Duplicates and Unwanted Photos- When you are sorting your photos look for duplicates, blurry shots, or any photos that you are unsure of that don't have a story to it and you do not hold value to it. Make separate piles for these and you can decide what to do with them after you're done sorting to help you keep moving forward on your photo project. Yes, it is ok to shred or trash these photos that are taking up space.
  6. Take Notes- Make sure you mark on your notes important details while you are sorting such as specific dates, names, or locations, write on the back with a Stabilo pencil only (the type of pencil that is safe to write on the back of photos).
  7. Create Categories That Work for You- Create categories that make it easy for you to find your photos. You can organize them chronologically or by theme, but the key is to choose a system that’s simple for you to maintain and access in the future.

8. Consider Digitization- While you are sorting your photos make one box or a pile that you would like to consider digitizing. These are the most special pictures that hold a very special moment in your heart that you would not want anything to happen to. Digital copies can be easily organized, shared, and backed up to ensure your memories are preserved for years to pass down you the next generation in your family.

Remember this can be a long task but taking it into manageable small steps will be so rewarding at the end of your photo project. Whether you choose to organize by date, event, theme, or people, the point is to handle your photos with care and decide on a system that will make it easy to revisit or pull that one special photo out to show off and share your memories with the next generation in your life. You can do this...Grab a cup of coffee (Don't set your coffee by your photos lol) and happy organizing!!

A lady sorting photos

Now that you sorted and categorized your photos and learned the proper way to handle and care for your photos, join me int the next blog in finding the best storage solution for your photos. Your printed photos are delicate and can deteriorate over time when not stored properly. In the next blog, I will discuss some best storage solutions along with sharing some tips on labeling and categorizing your storage boxes to enjoy your photos at any time.

Let's discuss the reason why you would want to use acid-free materials for your photo storage. Regular type of carboard boxes, photo albums, and plastic sleeves can contain acids or chemicals that will cause your photos to fade, turn yellow, or even degrade over time. The acid-free materials, are specially designed to preserve paper and photographs by maintaining a neutral pH, preventing chemical reactions that can damage your photographs. You put all that work in shorting and categorizing the photos, do not put it to waste by sticking those precious memories in a box that will damage them.

Organizing your printed photos may seem daunting, but each challenge is a chance to build a meaningful, well-preserved collection of memories. By breaking the task into manageable steps, setting clear goals, and using the right storage techniques, you can turn your scattered photos into a beautifully organized archive for future generations. The journey is just as important as the final result, so take your time—and don’t hesitate to ask for help. If you're local, feel free to contact me, or reach out to a professional photo organizer in your area.

Your Photo Coach!!

I'm Sonya, a skilled photographer with over 12 years of experience, I am dedicated to capturing moments that turn into cherished memories. Additionally, I am constantly expanding my expertise in the art of printed photo organization and preservation. Join me on a journey to encapsulate and safeguard your precious life stories.

Psalm 16:11 ESV

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.