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The Joy of Printed Photos

The joy of reminiscing over printed photos is unmatched, as these tangible memories transport us back to significant moments in our lives. Preserving these memories is crucial, especially when considering the irreplaceable value of photos from past generations, our childhood, or those taken before the advent of digital photography. Organizing your printed photos is essential to safeguard them from potential threats like water damage, fire, or natural fading over time. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast eager to tackle this project yourself or someone who feels overwhelmed by the task, this step-by-step guide will help you get started. And if you find yourself needing professional assistance, I'm here to help preserve your precious memories.

Why Organize Your Printed Photos?

Photos hold immense sentimental value, capturing precious memories that tell the stories of our lives. Think of that one photo that has an amazing story behind it, or the picture of the first time you held your baby after they were born. Here are some reasons to organize your photos: easy access, decluttering physical space, and protecting them from damage. Organizing your photos ensures their long-term preservation, allowing your memories to be passed down through generations.

Getting Started

Gather Supplies:

~ Acid-free storage boxes

~ Photo-safe albums and sleeves

~ Temporary holding containers, use this first before your permanent storage boxes to get started.

~ Index Cards

~ Post-it Notes (pens, stickers, tags) *Note: Do not use pens or stickers on the back of your photos*

~ Stabilo Pencils (These are safe to use on the back of your photos)

~ Scanning equipment (If digitizing) I use the Epson FastFoto FF680W wireless High-speed photo and documents

~ External hard drive (EHD) or a SanDisk 1TB/ 2Tb Extreme Portable SSD, if you decide to digitize your photos

~ White cotton gloves, nitrile gloves &/ or finger cots (Our fingertips have an oil residue and can mess your photos up)

~ Garbage Can, Yes a garbage is ok to throw some photos away or shred them if you prefer, you know the ones that are blurry or duplicates.

Find a clean, spacious workspace where you can spread out your photos. This designated area should be a place where you can consistently return to work on organizing your photos for a couple of hours each day, and make sure to make a note of where you left off each time.

External Hard drives with a pen notepad and index cards

Sorting Your Photos

The initial sort involves creating categories such as year, event, and family members. Remember to choose categories that work best for you, making it easy to find photos based on your organization. Be sure to separate duplicates and blurry photos during this process.

Detailed Sorting: Chronological order, Themes, or events, and you can highlight special moments


Your emotions can play a significant role when going through all these pictures, as you reminisce about special moments like your wedding day, your son's first steps, or your daughter's first solo horse ride. These memories can make the process take longer and can sometimes be tough to handle. Each photograph represents a piece of your story and touches your heart deeply. Try your best to stay focused and remember your "WHY"—the reason you're working on these photos in the first place and why it's important to have them organized. Now, let's dive into some tips to help you through this process.

The ABC's of Sorting Your Printed Photos

Yes, the ABCs can help you navigate the emotions tied to your pictures. Keep reading to discover their value. I learned this method from The Photo Managers, and it has significantly helped me with my own printed photos. While I’m not finished organizing my collection, it’s a work in progress. We took countless photos in the '90s, and the digital age has only increased the volume with all the technology we have today. More on that in another blog...


The photos in your albums are the ones you cherish most and love to share with others. These are the irreplaceable pictures you'd grab in an emergency. To organize these precious memories, label one container as "A" for storing these photos. Alternatively, keep them in their albums for digitization, ensuring you have a backup of these invaluable images. Use sticky notes or index cards to add any special notes or details about each photo. This information will be essential for your digital files or if you're working with a photo manager to preserve your memories.

Album of pictures free stock photo


These photos are wonderful, but not necessarily album-worthy. While you love them, they're not the ones you'd display or keep in an album. If any hold special meaning, be sure to mark those you want digitized to avoid losing them. You still want access to these photos, with some digitized for preservation. This box is for safekeeping, but not all the photos need to be digitized. Start moving these to the "B" container. You are almost done sorting your photos!!

My photos in a box

C...Can aka Garbage

I know, I know... it's tough to part with any of these photos. But trust me, it's okay to let go of the not-so-good, blurry, or duplicate photos we used to mark "Yes" for extra copies at the K-mart photo lab. Remember, back in the film days, we often took multiple shots of the same thing just to be safe. My fellow '90s generation and older will understand. These duplicates and less-than-perfect shots take up space and add clutter. It's better to sort through them now, picking out the best ones to keep, before they're passed down to our children, who might not even recognize half the people in the pictures and end up discarding all of them.

Trash can of photos
close up of the box of photos

S...Story of the Photo

Now that you've sorted your "A" container of photos and your "B" container of photos, you might still have a few left to go through. Do these photos tell a story? Are they snapshots of the beach, a day in the park, or moments with loved ones? Maybe, like me, you're a photographer with landscape images you want to hang on the wall, but you don't need 5 or 8 of the same image. Perhaps there's a very personal meaning behind a particular photo. Depending on the significance of these images, place them in a special container along with an index card that captures the story behind the image.

Labeling and Organizing

When labeling photos you want to make sure you are using photo-safe pencils like the ones I mention in the gathering supplies, I recommend Stabilo Pencils that I use on the back of my photos and client's photos. You want to make sure you include dates, names, and events. When listing names it is best to list the names from left to right in the pictures.

Organizing in Boxes or Albums

I recommend using acid-free boxes for permanent printed photo storage. Organize your photos in the box either chronologically or thematically, whichever works best for you. To further protect your photos, use protective sleeves for individual photos, especially those that are very fragile and need extra care.

Digitizing Your Photos

There are so many benefits of digitizing your photos if this is something that you choose to do with your photos but highly recommend it because anything can happen to your photos over time and chances of flood or fire.

Benefits of Digitization:

  • Easy sharing & Easy backup
  • Protection from physical damage
  • Space saving/ less clutter
  • Preserving for the next generation

How to Digitize:

Creating a Photo Management System

When creating a photo management system for yourself, think of it as setting up a series of scheduled updates. Spread the task over different days to avoid burnout. Incorporate new photos immediately to keep the process fresh and engaging, so you don’t lose interest. Keep your photos in a dedicated room where you don’t have to pick up and move everything each time you work on them. This way, you can easily resume where you left off. Leave a note for yourself indicating your progress. When considering storage solutions, prioritize safety and accessibility. Use both physical and digital storage methods to ensure comprehensive protection and easy access to your photo collections.

When to Seek Professional Help

Signs You Need Help & Benefits of Professional Services

  • Overwhelmed by the volume of photos
  • Lack of time or resources
  • Desire for professional-quality organization
  • Expertise in handling and preserving photos
  • Personalized organization systems designed to meet your unique needs
  • Able to hire locals in your area or close to your area
A cartoon women confused by all the photos she is looking at

Organizing your personal printed photos may seem overwhelming, but with these steps, you can transform your collection into a well-organized, accessible treasure chest of memories. For DIY enthusiasts, start today and enjoy reliving your precious moments. If you prefer professional assistance, contact me today for a free consultation. Let me help you preserve your memories for generations to come. There is no better time to start than today.

One Day or Day one picture

Your Photo Coach!!

I'm Sonya, a skilled photographer with over 12 years of experience, I am dedicated to capturing moments that turn into cherished memories. Additionally, I am constantly expanding my expertise in the art of printed photo organization and preservation. Join me on a journey to encapsulate and safeguard your precious life stories through my photography.

Psalm 16:11 ESV

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Ready to take the first step in preserving your memories? Contact me today! Email me at or visit the Photo Management tab on my website to learn more. Don’t miss out on a special offer for cloud photo storage—first-time clients receive a $20 Welcome Coupon. Let's work together to safeguard your precious memories.